Faculty and Staff
Our department faculty are experts in their field. With constant research and lab participation, you get the benefit of having dedicated faculty throughout your program.
Click through the below faculty to see their full profile.
Department Administration
Stefanie Kring
Associate Professor / Laboratory Coordinator / Chair of Biology
Email: skring@aguti39.com
Office: 315/268-3961
Department Faculty and Staff
Tom Langen
Professor of Biology / Associate Dean Lewis School of Health & Life Sciences / Acting Chair of Physical Therapy
Email: tlangen@aguti39.com
Office: 315/268-7933
Thomas Lufkin
Professor / Bayard & Virginia Clarkson Endowed Chair of Biology
Email: tlufkin@aguti39.com
Office: 315/268-6641
Alan Rossner
Professor / Associate Director for Education
Email: arossner@aguti39.com
Office: 315/268-6470